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Charlotte van Winden

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With a slight preference for my spartan nurture, I like to discover sore spots for a closer look while I see the human being as an eternal construct. My background of both scientific as autonomous art emphasizes my dualistic fight that results in different media from video, performance, installation to more collective projects like this Residency.


interactive lecture, Monday August, 22



poster i wanna riot 2x.jpg

Philippa Driest

Picture - Philippa Driest.jpg

I am a ‘...stroller, walking the streets of the depleted to capture the aura of failed neighbourhoods, empty playgrounds and nightly corners.’ *(2016, Radio Voicemail). I investigate writings on the walls, the attack on buildings and vandalized playgrounds. The aggression out of boredom or the motion against the architecture depicted as the monument of a manifest, taken as the cause of the destructive protagonist. ---------- I research society through studying the architectural landscapes. Within my practice I explore social relations by creating interventions in the public domain. I often try to present an alternative view on the living environment and turn ideas into actions.


workshop Thursday, 23-8


Parasite: an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense.


Citing: quote (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement.

Mattie van der Worm

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My artistry serves as an intermediary between the world and I, receptive being. I see teaching as an extension of
my artistry. My role as a teacher is all about humanity. Paternity. Through which I was invited to practice in empathy and compassion.


Mixed media. Photography is the medium in which I can work out my subjects best.

Themes: Observing. Temporality. Simultaneity. Recently, the theme "Meaning" has been added.

What's Going On.

mentoring, Tuesday 28-8

Through a short assignment determining place. Through a picture everyone's story on the track to come. We place the location, image and statement of the resident's own work next to each other. Double check if that is what the story looks like, is the true story.

By naming questions everyone can see their strength. And look for how that force can be used outside the studio.

An exploration of different perspectives on courage and cowardice in a selection of myths, beliefs and philosophies.


by chronological order in the program

Rudolf Valkhoff

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Born in the fifties. Grew up in Asia. Came to Holland end of the sixties. Had a lot of pimples. Got scared of punk in the seventies. Dropped out of physics, Chinese and architecture. Had some girlfriends, took some drugs. Worked in Saudi Arabia. Studied history and philosophy in the eighties. Finally graduated. Wrote a phd on coping with disbelief in the sixteenth century. Taught cultural studies in Amsterdam in the nineties and naughties. Bought an iPad. Had wonderful students. Finally rebelled against the system in 2015. Built an artwork. Got arrested. Got fired. Got depressed. And now I find myself invited to teach you. It’s a wonderful world!

On courage and cowardice.

lecture, Tuesday August, 21


An exploration of different perspectives on courage and cowardice in a selection of myths, beliefs and philosophies.


Personal challenge:

To win academic freedom for Dutch universities in accordance with the law

Sean Cornelisse


Sean Cornelisse (1988) studied Criminology (Universiteit Leiden) and Art History (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) before he started the temporarily master at the Sandberg Institute ‘Reinventing Daily Life’. Driven by language, symbolism, propaganda and leaving space open for chance to play a decisieve role in his work he is currently finishing his research on the role of  art and politics in our daily lives.

Imaginary profiling

workshop, Friday August, 24

The workshop can be described as an alteration of the situationist Dérive strategy. First the participant shall think of a question that thrives them in their artistic practice to then interview an imaginary spectator which they have to profile beforehand.


The main question in my own practice is how to create art for a broader audience or even non art public without slimming down on autonomy and quality.

Not only I am very interested on what the results will be I am also hoping that this workshop contributes on building confidence on using this holistic approach on creating and understanding their own practice.

Imma Zandbergen


Imma Zandbergen (MA) won her spurs as a lawyer. She not only became an expert in articulating and voicing client stories, but also experienced the pressure of peak perfomances in court. Advising boards on branding, she discovered her aptitude for core competences and communication. Nowadays, Imma is associate at Speechless: the greatest little company for perfecting your presentation skills, founded by Edmée Tuyl in 2003. With ten years of her golden pen, keen eye and kind heart, Imma coaches professionals who want to (re)position themselves through sincere presentation.

Back to your base: speak out, stand out

workshop, Wednesday August, 22


In this workshop you will (re)connect to your unique expression. With attention for both body and mind, you will work on your verbal and non-verbal presentation skills. Practical techniques and a thorough theoretical background, will help you to stand out from a sincere base: your self.


Personal challenge:

"There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost." (Martha Graham)

Edwin Oranje


When I hear sounds, I see colours. Solving puzzles helps you focus. We still have more to discover than has been discovered. Restrictions are useful and should not be disregarded to the extent that reality disappears. To distort harmony and organise chaos is very nice. Take your time to explore your pitfalls, to better avoid them in the future. 

Generative sound & creating inspiration

workshop, Monday August, 27


Exploring machines that all somehow produce sound and interact with us, we will create a sound world both abstract and tangible.


Personal challenge/goal: to create that which is simultaneously a) new b)  enjoyable to me c) inspiring to others.

An exploration of different perspectives on courage and cowardice in a selection of myths, beliefs and philosophies.

Gala Tellechea Velez


workshop manifest

Wednesday 29 - 8

Bringing to light

Bringing into existence

© 2018 by Moose Space

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