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foto Sake Elsinga © NRC

Charlotte van Winden

Personal Page

artist & initiator

founder Moose Space & Summer Residency and teacher at different institutes (like Bildung Academy, Amsterdam, year program 2018-19, 'stage guide')

The central search in my work is looking for balance inside contradictions. The opposition can be found in man himself and in other forms in the world (history). Many of my ideas arise from a kind of solution strategy: I identify a shortage, a lack, need or a problem and (often unconsciously) and come up with a solution in a sometimes less practical translation. At the same time I am (un) aware of the failure of a solution. Since my graduation, my statement has gradually changed, sometimes with a clear tipping point.

Projects at Moose Space are originated the same way as I create my art: out of a lack of something. This Summer Residency is meant as an additional education experiment for the selected residents (after Open Call) but also for most of the lecturers and mentors (selected) with less teach experience for this target group.

The realization of a more uncontrollable world is what has made my statement shift since graduation. There is less room for the eternal dreamer who, especially for safety, wanted to dream all alone. Now I try to understand the other, or at least let them in.

“With a slight preference for my spartan nurture, I like to discover sore spots for a closer look while I see the human being as an eternal construct. My background of both scientific as autonomous art emphasizes my dualistic fight that results in different media from video, performance, installation to more collective projects like this Residency.”

Charlotte van Winden

Leiden, 10-12-1988


2011 - 2015 Royal Academy of Arts, autonomous

2008 - 2011 University of Amsterdam, Cultural Science (minor philosophy)

© 2018 by Moose Space

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